\header { filename = "bonne_heure-song.ly" enteredby = "Peter Chubb" composer = "Anonymous\\\\ c.1470" year = "c. 1470" title = "Il Est de Bonne Heure N\\'e" mutopiatitle = "Il Est de Bonne Heure N&eeq;" mutopiacomposer = "Anonymous" maintainer="Peter Chubb" maintainerEmail="mutopia@chubb.wattle.id.au" style="Renaissance" lastupdated="2004/Apr/24" copyright = "Public Domain" tagline = "\\parbox{\\hsize}{\\thefooter\\quad\\small\\noindent\\hspace{\\stretch{1}} This music is part of the Mutopia project: \\hspace{\\stretch{1}} \\texttt{http://www.MutopiaProject.org/}\\\\ \\makebox[\\textwidth][c]{It has been typeset and placed in the public domain by " + \maintainer + ".} \\makebox[\\textwidth][c]{Unrestricted modification and redistribution is permitted and encouraged---copy this music and share it!}}" footer = "Mutopia-2004/04/24-198" } %{ I found this as a recorder arrangement for descant, treble, tenor and bass, in a 1937 Schott edition. I've changed the pitches to suit voice, added phrase marks, fitted words to the music (the edition I worked from had the words only on the tenor part), and added a translation (courtesy of Francois Montagner). %} %{ $Log: bonne_heure-song.ly,v $ Revision 1.6 2004/04/24 10:28:10 peterc Updated to Lilypond 2.2; fixed translation printout. Revision 1.5 2002/02/28 22:20:52 peterc Added copyright. Sent to Mutopia. Revision 1.4 2002/02/28 22:17:27 peterc Fiddled translation to fit; Revision 1.3 2002/02/24 09:17:33 peterc Updated to current LilyPond; added MIDI output. %} %{ He was born at a lucky time, He who holds his lady in a field Upon the sweet grass. My sweetest friend, God grant you good-day, What is in your mind, Please tell me what ! Faith, my dear friends, I have thought it all over, I do not love you a bit. %} \version "2.2.0" #(set-global-staff-size 16) global = \notes { \key a \minor \time 2/2 \partial 2 \skip 2*13 \time 3/2 \skip 1*1 \bar "||" \skip 2*1 \time 2/2 \skip 2*6 \time 3/2 \skip 2*3 \time 2/2 \skip 2*19 \bar "||" } sopOne= \notes\relative c'' { \bar "" \tempo 2=100 \partial 2 a4 a | b b c c | b2 \breathe a4 a| b b c c | b 2 \breathe e4 e | %5 d4.( b8) c4( b~ | b8[ a)] a2( gis4) | a1^" Fine" } sopTwo=\notes\relative c'' { c4 c | b2 a | b4 c d c | %10 a( e'2) d4 | c1 \breathe c4 c | b2 a | b c4 d | c4( b8[ a)] gis2 | %15 a \breathe c4 c | b b a a | b2 \breathe c4 c | d8[ d d d ] c4.( b16[ a] | g4) g b b | %20 c e2 d4 | c2^"D.C. al Fine" } soprano = \notes{\sopOne\sopTwo} altoOne = \notes\relative c'' { \partial 2 e4 e | g g a a | e2 \breathe e4 e | g g a a | %5 e2 \breathe e4 e | g g a( e | a f) e2~ | e1 } altoTwo=\notes\relative c''' { a4 a | g2 e | %10 b4 a b c | d( a) b2 | e1 \breathe a4 a | e2 e | d e4 d | %15 e2 e | e \breathe a4 a| e e e e | g2 \breathe a4 a | g g a a | %20 b b g e | a a gis4.( fis8) | a2 } alto = \notes {\altoOne\altoTwo} tenorOne = \notes\relative c' { \partial 2 r2 | r2 a4 a | b b c c | b2 \breathe a4 a | b b c c | %5 b2 \breathe e4 e | c a b2 | a1 } tenorTwo=\notes\relative c' { a4 a | b2 c | d4 c b a | %10 a2 gis | a1 \breathe a4 a | b2 c | d c4 b | a2 b | %15 a \breathe a4 a | b b c c | b2 \breathe a4 a | b b c c | b b e e | %20 c a b2 | a2 } tenor = \notes {\tenorOne\tenorTwo} bassOne = \notes\relative c' { \clef "bass" \partial 2 a4 a | e e a, a| e'2 \breathe a4 a | e e a, a | %5 e'2 \breathe c4 a | b2 a4 e'( | f a e2) | a,1 } bassTwo=\notes\relative c { a4 a | e'2 a | %10 g4 a g a | d,( c) b2 | a1 \breathe a4 a | e'2 c | b a4 b | c( a) e'2 | %15 a, \breathe a4 a | e' e c a | e'2 \breathe c4 c | b8[ b b b] a2 | e'4 e e e | %20 a, a( e'2) | a,2 } bass=\notes {\bassOne\bassTwo} sopWords = \lyrics{ \partial 2 Il4 est | de bonne heu -- re | n\'e,2 Qui4 tient | sa dame en un | pr\'e,2 Sur4 l'her -- | be4. __ _8 jo2*3/2 -- li2*3/2 -- | e.1 Ma4 tr\`es douce2 a -- | mi4 -- e, Dieu vous | doint2*3/2 bon4 | jour,1 Qu'a4 -- vez | en2 pen -- | s\'e, di4 -- tes | qu'a2 -- vez | vous, Par4 ma | foy mon bel a -- | my,2 Le4 con -- | seil8 en est tout pris,2 __ | _4 Je4 ne vous | ai -- me2 mi-4 __ | e.2 } altWords = \lyrics{ \partial 2 Il4 est | de bonne heu -- re | n\'e,2 Qui4 tient | sa dame en un | pr\'e,2 Sur4 l'her -- | be4 jo -- li1 -- e.1 __ _2 Ma4 tr\`es douce2 a -- | mi4 -- e, Dieu vous | doint2 bon2 | jour,1 Qu'a4 -- vez | en2 pen -- | s\'e, di4 -- tes | qu'a2 -- vez | vous, Par4 ma | foy mon bel a -- | my,2 Le4 con -- | seil4 en est tout pris,4 Je4 ne vous ai -- me mi2 -- e.2 } tenorWords = \lyrics{ \partial 2 ""2 | ""2 Il4 est | de bonne heu -- re | n\'e,2 Qui4 tient | sa dame en un | pr\'e,2 Sur4 l'her -- | be jo -- li2 -- | e.1 Ma4 tr\`es douce2 a -- | mi4 -- e, Dieu vous | doint2 bon | jour,1 Qu'a4 -- vez | en2 pen -- | s\'e, di4 -- tes | qu'a2 -- vez | vous, Par4 ma | foy mon bel a -- | my,2 Le4 con -- | seil en est tout | pris, Je ne vous | ai -- me mi2 -- | e. } bassWords = \lyrics{ \partial 2 Il4 est | de bonne heu -- re | n\'e,2 Qui4 tient | sa dame en un | pr\'e,2 Sur4 l'her -- | be2 jo4 -- li1 -- _4| e.1 Ma4 tr\`es douce2 a -- | mi4 -- e, Dieu vous | doint2 bon2 | jour,1 Qu'a4 -- vez | en2 pen -- | s\'e, di4 -- tes | qu'a2 -- vez | vous, Par4 ma | foy mon bel a -- | my,2 Le4 con -- | seil8 en est tout pris,2 Je4 ne vous ai -- me mi2. -- e.2 } sopstaff = \context Staff ="Soprano" << \set Staff.instrument = "S" \global \soprano \context Lyrics="Soprano" \sopWords >> altstaff = \context Staff ="Alto" << \set Staff.instrument = "A" \global \notes \transpose c' c \alto \context Lyrics="Alto" \altWords >> tenstaff = \context Staff="tenor" << \set Staff.instrument = "T" \clef "G_8" \global \tenor \context Lyrics="tenor" \tenorWords >> bassstaff = \context Staff="bass" << \set Staff.instrument = "B" \global \bass \context Lyrics="bass" \bassWords >> % This prints out the full score, for singing to. \score { \context ChoirStaff << \sopstaff \altstaff \tenstaff \bassstaff >> \paper{ \paperSixteen indent = 0.0\mm } } translation = \lyrics { << \new Lyrics { "He was born at a lucky time,"} \new Lyrics { "He who holds his lady in a field" } \new Lyrics { "Upon the sweet grass." } >> << \new Lyrics { "My sweetest friend," } \new Lyrics { "God grant you good-day," } \new Lyrics { "What is in your mind," } \new Lyrics { "Please tell me what !" } >> << \new Lyrics { "Faith, my dear friend,"} \new Lyrics { "I have thought it all over," } \new Lyrics { "I do not love you a bit." } >> } % First print out a practicestaff, then a translation. \score { \new GrandStaff \with { fontSize = #-4 \override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -4) } << \context Staff ="RH"<< \global \context Voice=sop {\voiceOne\soprano} \context Voice=alt \notes {\transpose c' c {\voiceTwo\alto}} >> \context Staff ="LH" << \clef "bass" \global \context Voice=tenor \notes {\voiceOne\tenor} \context Voice=bass {\voiceTwo\bass} >> >> \header { piece = "\it Piano Practice Staff"} \paper{ indent = 0.0\mm } } \score { \translation \header { piece = "\\it Translation\\\\"} \paper{ \paperSixteen indent = 0.0\pt linewidth = 10.0\cm \context{ \ScoreContext \remove "Bar_number_engraver" } } } % For MIDI output \score { \context StaffGroup << \global \context Staff=sop \notes{\sopOne\sopTwo\sopOne} \context Staff=alt \notes {\altoOne\altoTwo\altoOne} \context Staff=tenor \notes \transpose c' c {\tenorOne\tenorTwo\tenorOne} \context Staff=bass \notes{\bassOne\bassTwo\bassOne} >> \midi { } }