\include "english.ly" #(set-global-staff-size 16) \version "2.6.4" \paper { % hsize = 8.5\in % vsize = 11\in betweensystempadding = #0.25 % raggedlastbottom=##f } \header { date = "1857" source = "O. Ditson & Co., 277 Washington St., Boston, Mass." % style = "strophic with chorus" instrument = "Voice and Piano" copyright = "Public Domain" maintainer = "Stan Sanderson" maintainerEmail = "physinfoman@ameritech.net" lastupdated = "12/7/2003" title = "Flee As A Bird" mutopiatitle = "Flee As A Bird" poet = "Mrs. Mary S. B. Dana" composer = \markup {\column {"Adapted to a Spanish Melody" "by Mrs. Mary S. B. Dana"}} mutopiacomposer = "Traditional" % composer = "\\begin{minipage}[r]{6cm}\\normalsize{ % Adapted to a Spanish Melody \\n % \\hfill by Mrs. Mary S. B. Dana} % \\end{minipage}" % mutopiapoet = "M. S. B. Dana (1810-1883)" mutopiainstrument = "Voice, Piano" style = "Song" footer = "Mutopia-2005/11/25-376" tagline = \markup { \override #'(box-padding . 1.0) \override #'(baseline-skip . 2.7) \box \center-align { \small \line { Sheet music from \with-url #"http://www.MutopiaProject.org" \line { \teeny www. \hspace #-1.0 MutopiaProject \hspace #-1.0 \teeny .org \hspace #0.5 } • \hspace #0.5 \italic Free to download, with the \italic freedom to distribute, modify and perform. } \line { \small \line { Typeset using \with-url #"http://www.LilyPond.org" \line { \teeny www. \hspace #-1.0 LilyPond \hspace #-1.0 \teeny .org } by \maintainer \hspace #-1.0 . \hspace #0.5 Reference: \footer } } \line { \teeny \line { This sheet music has been placed in the public domain by the typesetter, for details see: \hspace #-0.5 \with-url #"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain" http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain } } } } } MEL = \relative c' { \time 4/4 \key d \minor \clef treble \autoBeamOff %1-4 r1^\markup { \italic {"Moderato espress."}} d4 a'8. a16 a4 bf8. a16 a4.( g16[ f]) e2 d4 f8. f16 g4 gs8. gs16 %5-8 a2( e4) r d a'8. a16 a4 bf8. a16 a4.( g16[ f]) e4 r d f8. f16 e4 a8. a16 %9-11 d,2. r4 f4 a8. g16 f4 d'8. c16 c4.( bf16[ a)] g4 r %12-14 a4 g8. a16 c8[ bf] a g f2 e4 r d4 a'8. a16 a4 bf8. a16 %15-17 a4.( g16[ f)] e4 r d f8. f16 e4 a8. a16 d,2 bf' %18-20 a4^\markup { \italic { "un poco ritenuto."}} f8. d16 a4 f'8. e16 d2. r4 r1 %21-22 r1 r1 %23-26 r1 d4 a'8. a16 a4 bf8. a16 a4.( g16[ f]) e2 d4 f8. f16 g4 gs8. gs16 %27-30 a2( e4) r d a'8. a16 a4 bf8. a16 a4.( g16[ f]) e4 r d f8. f16 e4 a8. a16 %31-33 d,2. r4 f4 a8. g16 f4 d'8.[ c16] c4.( bf16[ a)] g4 r %34-36 a4 g8. a16 c8[ bf] a g f2 e4 r d4 a'8. a16 a4 bf8. a16 %37-39 a4.( g16[ f)] e4 r8 e d4 f8. f16 e4 a8. a16 d,2 bf' %18-20 a4^\markup { \italic { "un poco ritenuto."}} f8. d16 a4 f'8. e16 d2. r4 r1 %21-22 r1 r1 } RH = \relative c'' { \key d\minor \time 4/4 \clef treble %1 r8 a, a a a %2 r8 a a a a %3 r a a a a %4 r8 a a r r %5 r8 a a r a a %6 r8 a a a a %7 r8 a a a a %8 r8 a a r a a %9 r8 a a r2 %10 r8 c c c c %11 r8 c c c c %12 r8 c c r bf bf %13 r8 a a a a %14 r8 a a a a %15 r8 a a a a %16 r8 a a r a a %17 2 %18 2 %19 r8 f' a d %20 8 a, d f %21 d2 8 %22 1 %1 r8 a a a a %2 r8 a a a a %3 r a a a a %4 r8 a a r r %5 r8 a a r a a %6 r8 a a a a %7 r8 a a a a %8 r8 a a r a a %9 r8 a a r2 %10 r8 c c c c %11 r8 c c c c %12 r8 c c r bf bf %13 r8 a a a a %14 r8 a a a a %15 r8 a a a a %16 r8 a a r a a %17 2 %18 2 %19 r8 f' a d %20 8 a, d f %21 d2 8 %22 1\fermata } LH = \relative c { \key d\minor \time 4/4 \clef bass %1 1 %2 %3 %4 2 4 %5 2 %6 1 %7 1 %8 2 %9 %10 1 %11 %12 2 %13 1 %14 1 %15 1 %16 2 %17 2 %18 2 %19 2. 4 %20 2. 4 %21 2 %22 1 \bar "|." %1 1 %2 %3 %4 2 4 %5 2 %6 1 %7 1 %8 2 %9 %10 1 %11 %12 2 %13 1 %14 1 %15 1 %16 2 %17 2 %18 2 %19 2. 4 %20 2. 4 %21 2 %22 1\fermata \bar "|." } VerOne = \context Lyrics = VerOne \lyricmode { %% \override LyricText #'font-series = #'bold %% \override LyricText #'font-relative-size = #'+1 \skip2. \skip8 "1. "8 Flee4 as8. a16 bird4 to8. your16 moun__2 __ tain,2 Thou4 who8. art16 wea4 -- ry8. of16 sin__2 __ " "4 \skip4 Go4 to8. the16 clear4 flow8. -- ing16 foun__2 __ tain,4 \skip4 Where4 you8. may16 wash4 and8. be16 clean.2. \skip4 Fly,4 for8. th'16 aven4 -- ger8. is16 near__2 __ thee;4 \skip4 Call4 and8. the16 Sav4 -- ior8 will hear2 thee4 \skip4 He4 on8. his16 bo4 -- som8. will16 bear__2 __ thee,4 \skip4 Thou4 who8. art16 wea4 -- ry8. of16 sin.2 O2 thou,4 who8. art16 wea4 -- ry8. of16 sin.2. \skip4 \skip 1*3 \skip2. \skip8 "2. "8 He4 will8. pro16 -- tect4 thee8. for16 ev__2 __ er,2 Wipe4 ev8. -- 'ry16 fall4 -- ing tear__2 __ " "4 \skip 4 He4 will8. for16 -- sake4 thee,8. O16 nev__2 __ er4 \skip4 Shelt4 -- ered8. so16 ten4 -- der8. -- ly16 there;2. \skip4 Haste,4 then,8. the16 hours4 are4 fly__2 __ ing,4 \skip4 Spend4 not8. the16 mo4 -- ments8 in sigh__2 __ ing,4 \skip4 Cease4 from8. your16 sor4 -- row8.and16 cry__2 __ ing,4 \skip8 The8 Sa4 -- viour8. will16 wipe4 ev8. -- 'ry16 tear,2 The Sa4 -- viour8. will16 wipe4 ev8. -- 'ry16 tear.2. \skip4 \skip1*3 } \score { << \context Staff \MEL \set Staff.midiInstrument = "violin" \new Lyrics { \VerOne } \context PianoStaff << \set PianoStaff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" \context Staff = "up" << \clef treble \context Voice = VoiceI \RH >> \context Staff = "down" << \clef bass \context Voice = VoiceI \LH >> >> >> \layout { } \midi { \tempo 4 = 72 } }